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Topic: PHP with imagemagick (commandline version) |
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James Blond Moderator

Joined: 19 Jan 2006 Posts: 7389 Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg
Posted: Tue 21 Nov '06 10:34 Post subject: PHP with imagemagick (commandline version) |
Does anyone know a good tutorial for imagemagick with PHP? |
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Joined: 12 Mar 2006 Posts: 376 Location: Belgium
Posted: Tue 21 Nov '06 16:01 Post subject: |
as in interfacing with convert.exe /usr/bin/convert? or the pear variant?
It its the binary interface i can send you my imagediting class i wrote |
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James Blond Moderator

Joined: 19 Jan 2006 Posts: 7389 Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg
Posted: Tue 21 Nov '06 17:41 Post subject: |
I use the /usr/bin variant and usr/bin is the ENV Path. I made some tests with exec and the test worked fine. A PHP Class would be fine! |
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Joined: 21 Oct 2005 Posts: 209 Location: Puyallup, WA USA
Posted: Tue 21 Nov '06 23:35 Post subject: |
There used to be an extension for PHP but it is not supported any longer, sadly. But via Linux or (f)cgi on Win32 you can call IM executables (convert, mogrify, conjure, etc...) from PHP with great ease.
The best thing as for a tutorial is to do a search in Google. There are however books available in print. I just learn as I go. For me, I decided in needed to be able to crop online, resize, add certain special effects, and so on.
I just experimented with the various commands. There is a very helpful support from too at:
(I did not know if you were aware of these links or not)
If you want an online image editing studio check out:
This site is using Image Magick with the Perlmagick front end.
Edit: I just realized that this was for command line, so disregard the part about the module for PHP please |
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Joined: 12 Mar 2006 Posts: 376 Location: Belgium
Posted: Wed 22 Nov '06 1:11 Post subject: |
Code: |
jImageProcessor class
By Jorge Scrhauwen
- PHP 4.3.0 or better
- GD2/ImageMagick (GD2 for the GD sub set or ImagemMagick for the ImageMagick sub set)
$image = &new jImageProcessor(); //the & can be removed if you use PHP5s
- General -
$image->check(); :: check to see if GD and/or imagemagick is working
- Tools -
$image->extentiontolowercase($folder); :: turns all extentions into lowercase
- GD2 -
$Image->gd->load($file); :: load from file
$image->gd->save($img, $out_file); :: save to file
$image->gd->display($img); :: return the image
$image->gd->resize($img, $width, $height); :: resizes the image
$image->gd->rotate($img, $degrees); :: rotate the image x degrees
$image->gd->annotate($img, $text='', $font='vera', $color='255,255,255'); :: annotate the image
- ImageMagick -
$Image->imagemagick->load($file); :: load from file
$image->imagemagick->save($img, $out_file); :: save to file
$image->imagemagick->display($img); :: return the image
$image->imagemagick->resize($img, $width, $height); :: resizes the image
$image->imagemagick->rotate($img, $degrees); :: rotate the image x degrees
$image->imagemagick->annotate($img, $text='', $font='vera', $color='white', $position='SouthWest'); :: annotate the image
$image->imagemgaick->advance($img, $parameter); :: add a custom paremeter to the list for example '-unsharp 1';
$image = &new jImageProcessor();
$img = $image->imagemagick->load('myfile.jpg');
$img = $image->imagemagick->resize($img, 100, 100);
$image->imagemagick->save($img, 'tn_myfile.jpg');
ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600);
ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');
class jImageProcessor{
var $imagemagick_path;
var $interlace;
var $quality;
function jImageProcessor(){
$this->tools = new imgtools();
$this->gd = &new gd($this);
$this->imagemagick = &new imagemagick($this);
Function Setup
function setup($imagemagick_path='convert', $imagequality=80, $use_interlace=false){
$this->imagemagick_path = $imagemagick_path;
$this->quality = $imagequality;
$this->interlace = $use_interlace;
Function Check
function check(){
//check for imagemagick
exec($this->imagemagick_path.' -version', $imstatus);
$imstatus = $imstatus[0];
if(strtolower(substr($imstatus, 9, 11)) == 'imagemagick'){
$imstatus = '<font color=green>OK</font>';
$imstatus = '<font color=red>N/A</font>';
//check gd2
$gdstatus = '<font color=green>OK</font>';
$gdstatus = '<font color=red>To Old(GD1)</font>';
$gdstatus = '<font color=red>N/A</font>';
echo 'Imagemagick: '.$imstatus.'<br>';
echo 'Gd 2: '.$gdstatus.'<br>';
class imgtools{
Function FitToSize (c) Leo Schrauwen 2005
function fittosize($img, $width, $height){
list($old_width, $old_height) = getimagesize($file);
$old_width = imagesx($img);
$old_height = imagesy($img);
if($old_width > $old_height){ //todo: Pseudo code
$iCal = ($width/$old_width);
$new_height = ($old_height*$iCal);
$new_width = $width;
if($new_height > $height){
$iCal = ($height/$old_height);
$new_width = ($old_width*$iCal);
$new_height = $height;
}elseif($old_width < $old_height){
$iCal = ($height/$old_height);
$new_width = ($old_width*$iCal);
$new_height = $height;
if($new_width > $width){
$iCal = ($width/$old_width);
$new_height = ($old_height*$iCal);
$new_width = $width;
}elseif($old_width = $old_height){
if($width > $height){
$new_width = $height;
$new_height = $height;
$new_width = $width;
$new_height = $width;
return array('width' => $new_width,'height' => $new_height);
Function hex2rgb
function &hex2rgb($hex, $asString = true){
// strip off any leading #
if (0 === strpos($hex, '#')) {
$hex = substr($hex, 1);
} else if (0 === strpos($hex, '&H')) {
$hex = substr($hex, 2);
// break into hex 3-tuple
$cutpoint = ceil(strlen($hex) / 2)-1;
$rgb = explode(':', wordwrap($hex, $cutpoint, ':', $cutpoint), 3);
// convert each tuple to decimal
$rgb[0] = (isset($rgb[0]) ? hexdec($rgb[0]) : 0);
$rgb[1] = (isset($rgb[1]) ? hexdec($rgb[1]) : 0);
$rgb[2] = (isset($rgb[2]) ? hexdec($rgb[2]) : 0);
return ($asString ? "{$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]}" : $rgb);
Function extentiontolowercase
function extentiontolowercase($folder){
if ($handle = opendir($folder)){
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if($file == "."){
// do nothing is parent
}elseif($file == "..") {
// do nothing is parent
}elseif($file == "...") {
// do nothing is parent
$ext = explode('.', $file);
$ext = strtolower($ext[(count($ext)-1)]);
$file_new = substr($file, 0, (strlen($file)-strlen($ext)));
rename($folder.$file, $folder.$file_new.$ext);
Function recursive_touch
function recursive_touch($filepath){
//fix slashes
$filepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $filepath);
//split array
$filepath = split('/', $filepath);
$filename = array_pop($filepath); //strip the filename
//walk the directory tree
$mask = umask(0);
$parent = ''; //reset parent
foreach($filepath as $dir){
$parent .= $dir.'/';
if($dir !== '.'){
mkdir($parent, 0777);
GD 2
class gd{
//putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.'));
var $image;
function gd(&$parent){
$this->image =& $parent;
Function Load
function load($file){
die('Image Not Found!');
$im = getimagesize($file);
if($im[2] == '1'){
$img = imagecreatefromgif($file);
}elseif($im[2] == '2'){
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
}elseif($im[2] == '3'){
$img = imagecreatefrompng($file);
die('Not a valid image type! (Only JPEG/PNG/GIF)');
return $img;
Function Save
function save($img, $file){
if($file == ''){
die('you did not give a file name!');
imageinterlace($img, $this->image->interlace);
$ext = explode('.', $file);
$ext = strtolower($ext[(count($ext)-1)]);
if(($ext == 'jpg') || ($ext == 'jpeg')){
if(imagejpeg($img, $file, $this->image->quality)){
$old = umask(0);
chmod($file, 0777);
return true;
}elseif($ext == 'png'){
if(imagepng($img, $file)){
$old = umask(0);
chmod($file, 0777);
return true;
die('Not a valid image type! (Only JPEG/PNG)');
Function Display
function display($img){
imageinterlace($img, $this->image->interlace);
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
imagejpeg($img, '', $this->image->quality);
Function resize
function resize($img, $width, $height){
$size = $this->image->tools->fittosize($img, $width, $height);
$width = $size['width'];
$height = $size['height'];
imageinterlace($dst_img, $this->image->interlace);
return $dst_img;
Function annotate
function annotate($img, $text='', $font='vera', $color='255,255,255'){
//get the color
$color = explode(',', $color);
$color = imagecolorallocate($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
//draw string
imagettftext($img, 10, 0, 5, imagesy($img)-5, $color, $font, $text);
die('GD2 is not compiled with annotation support!');
return $img;
Function rotate
function rotate($img, $degrees){
$img =imagerotate($img, $degrees, 0);
return $img;
class imagemagick{
var $image;
function imagemagick(&$parent){
$this->image =& $parent;
Function Laod
function load($file){
die('Image Not Found!');
//get file path
$file = realpath($file);
return $this->image->imagemagick_path.' "'.$file.'"';
Function Save
function save($img, $file){
//get file path
$file = realpath($file);
$old = umask(0);
chmod($file, 0777);
//check if interlace is on
$img = $img.' -interlace Partition';
//check quality
$img = $img.' -quality '.$this->image->quality;
//add output file
$img = $img.' "'.$file.'"';
chmod($file, 0777);
$out = exec($img);
if($out == ''){
return true;
return $out;
Function Display
function display($img){
//get a temp file
$outfile = tempnam(realpath('.'), 'im_');
//check if interlace is on
$img = $img.' -interlace Partition';
//check quality
$img = $img.' -quality '.$this->image->quality;
//add output file
$img = $img.' "'.$outfile.'"';
//exec imagemagick
//open file
$file = implode('', file($outfile));
$image = getimagesize($outfile);
header('content-type: '.$image[mime]);
echo $file;
//remove temp file
Function resize
function resize($img, $width, $height){
$img = $img.' -resize '.$width.'x'.$height;
return $img;
Function annotate
function annotate($img, $text='', $font='vera', $color='white', $position='SouthWest'){
//-antialias = turn off anti aliasing(can be removed)
$img = $img.' -font '.$font.' -gravity '.$position.' -fill '.$color;
$img = $img.' -draw "text 3,1 \''.$text.'\'"';
return $img;
Funtion rotate
function rotate($img, $degrees){
$img = $img.' -rotate '.$degrees;
return $img;
Funtion Advance
function advance($img, $cmd){
$img = $img.' '.$cmd;
return $img;
Function Path
function path($MagickHome, $FontPath='', $ConfigPath=''){
if($MagickHome !== ''){
if($ConfigPath !== ''){
if($FontPath !== ''){
?> |
should be straight forward. Been using it on linux, mac and windows for 2 years now. |
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Joined: 12 Mar 2006 Posts: 376 Location: Belgium
Posted: Wed 22 Nov '06 1:14 Post subject: |
small note:
resizing is relative
100x100 mean the image must fit in there so the image might be 100x87 or so if it was landscape orientated. |
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