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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
Posts: 20

PostPosted: Fri 02 Feb '07 1:18    Post subject: done it countless of times Reply with quote

well i have installed all apaches there is..

and all i get from my home made forum is!!!!

Click here to log out."; exit; } else { fail("database query failed, registration page", true); } } else { setup_page("Registration", "Invalid registration"); echo "Sorry, that username has been taken. Please try another.
"; } } else { setup_page("Registration", "Invalid registration"); echo "Please submit a valid email address."; } // if less than all three fields have been filled up .. } else if ($user || $pass || $email) { setup_page("Registration", "Invalid registration"); echo "Please fill in all fields."; // greeting for new users } else { setup_page("Registration", "Registration"); echo "Please enter your details to register."; } ?>
Enter a username:
Enter a password:

Your email:

Should we allow other users to email you? Yes No
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Fri 02 Feb '07 10:00    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems that php is not parsing the page.
My first though is short tags in php.ini


short_open_tag = On
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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
Posts: 20

PostPosted: Sat 03 Feb '07 13:59    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes that seems to work.. >.< sorry for late replay... was ^^ partying =D

btw that worked but none of the script is =D

like connecting to mysql Sad
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Sat 03 Feb '07 15:30    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please download the mysqltest

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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
Posts: 20

PostPosted: Sat 03 Feb '07 17:42    Post subject: Reply with quote

O.o that , i already have it it works =D.. but i use php 520..

well the problem is that with short tags on.. >.< it looks like it shuld but it wont conenct to db.. it will neither die.. >.> when not connected.. >.<

all it does is refreshing the page >.>

so =? got any suggestions =?
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Sun 04 Feb '07 19:16    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can you post your script? So I may take a look.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
Posts: 20

PostPosted: Mon 05 Feb '07 2:28    Post subject: Reply with quote

well here is some of it >.>



// this function is called to set up each of the pages in the website.
// it shows the site's logo, and gives as the page title whatever it's passed
// as its first argument .. the other argument it uses as the header text of the
// page. there is also a javascript function included in the title; this is used as
// a confirm on the post.php and main.php pages, for deleting posts and threads,
// respectively. an internal style sheet is set up to ensure stylistic coherence.
function setup_page ($title, $headtext) {
   echo "<HTML>
         function areYouSure (msg) {
            var bool = window.confirm(msg);
            return bool;
      H1 {color:#CCCCCC; font:bold 16pt 'Verdana', 'Tahoma', 'Arial'}
      H2 {color:#CCCCCC; font:bold 12pt 'Verdana', 'Tahoma', 'Arial'}
      P {color:#CCCCCC; font:10pt 'Verdana', 'Tahoma', 'Arial'}
      A:link {color:#FF0000; font:bold 10pt}
      A:hover {color: #FFFF33; font:bold 10pt}
      A:visited {color:#CC9900; font:bold 10pt}
      <BODY BGCOLOR='#000066' TEXT='#CCCCCC'>
      <P ALIGN='center'><IMG SRC='logo.gif' WIDTH='344' HEIGHT='55'></p>

   // set up a global variable to show that the page has been set up
   global $set_up;
   $set_up = TRUE;

// this function shows an error message and some links. the error message is
// passed as the first argument of the function.
function fail ($msg, $serious) {

   // if the page has already been set up, just show a small header
   if ($set_up) {
      echo "<H2>Whoops</H2>";

   // otherwise set up the page to show that an error has occured
   } else {
      setup_page ("Error", "Whoops");
   echo "<p>Sorry. There has been an error (".$msg.").<BR><br>";

   // if 'serious' is true (the second argument passed in a call to this function)
   // then the user must return all the way to the site entrance
   if ($serious) {
      echo "<A HREF='enter.php'>Please click here to return to the site entrance.</A>";

   // if its not a 'serious' error then the user has to go to the main thread listing page
   } else {
      echo "<A HREF='main.php'>Please click here to return to the main page.</A>";

   // show a link to mail the technical help
   echo "<BR><BR><A HREF='mailto:administrator@greatdebate.net'>Click here to inform
      our technical staff of this problem.</A></p>";

// this function checks to make sure the string that is passed its argument is in valid format
// for an email address
function isValidEmail ($email) {
   return eregi("^[a-z0-9_]+@[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+$", $email);

// this function connects to MySQL and selects the forum database
function dbConnect () {
   $db = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "coldasice", "");
   mysql_select_db("forum", $db);
[the function]


the login script


// check for session variables

// load the script containing the common functions
require "forum.inc";

// set a string variable to contain some hyperlinks to other parts of the site
$links = "<A HREF='main.php'>Click here to proceed to the forum =D.</A><BR><BR>
   <A HREF='enter.php'>Click here to log out.</A>";

// if this page has been called by the form on itself
if ($user && $pass) {

   // if the user specified on the form is the user that has already been logged in
   if ($logged_in_user == $user) {

      // inform the user of this, show the links and stop executing this script
      setup_page ("Already logged in!", "Whoops");
      echo $user.", you are already logged in.<BR><BR>";
      echo $links;

   // connect to 'forum' database and check the username-password combination
   // submitted on the form
   $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '".$user."'
               AND password = PASSWORD('".$pass."')");

   // if the query doesnt execute, show an error message
   if (!$result) {
      fail("database query failed, login page", true);

   // if the username and password are valid
   if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {

      // find the userID and register it as a session variable
      $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
      $logged_in_user = $user;
      $logged_userID = $record["userID"];

      // if the user is identified as a moderator on the database,
      // log this fact as a session variable
      if ($record["mod"]) {
         $logged_as_mod = true;
      setup_page("Welcome", "Welcome");
      echo "Glad you could make it, ".$logged_in_user." :)<BR><BR>";
      echo $links;

   // if the login details did not match the database, show the form again
   } else {
      setup_page("Invalid", "Invalid Login");
      echo "That username-password combination does not appear to match our records.
      Please try again.<BR><BR>";

// or if the user has failed to fill in both fields, show the form again
} else if ($user || $pass) {
   setup_page("Invalid", "Invalid Login");
   echo "Please fill in both fields.<BR><BR>";

// if the user has arrived for the first time on this page, ask them to complete the form
} else {
   setup_page("Login", "Login");
   echo "Please enter your details to log in.";
 Your username:
 Your password:
<A HREF="enter.php">Click here to return to the site entrance.</A>
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