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Reply to topic   Topic: Use VBS in PHP (Win32)
James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Wed 22 Mar '06 14:00    Post subject: Use VBS in PHP (Win32) Reply with quote

For many tasks of an admin vbs is a usefull tool. But VBS runs only locale. (Ok, access from outside is possible but not easy)
So I tried to implement vbs into PHP to access this from the web.

PHP has the COM API. With that we can access Windows resources.
Here an example to check the freespace from all devices.
What is the device? (CD, HDD, etc)
How much freespace?

Sorry, the inline documentation is in german. If you have any questions, ask here

The original vbs code


' File:   LaufWerkListe.vbs
' Autor:  dieseyer@gmx.de 
'         dieseyer.de
' Listet alle lokalen Laufwerke auf & erstellt Log-Datei.
Option Explicit
Dim WshShell, fso, FileOut, DriveList, i, Text1, Text2, Text3
Set WshShell  = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso       = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set DriveList = fso.Drives
' Protokoll in Datei schreiben
Set FileOut = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptName & ".log", 8, true)        ' Datei zum Schreiben öffnen (notfals anlegen)
fileOut.WriteLine(vbCRLF & now() & " Protokoll von " & WScript.ScriptName & ": ")   
   For Each i in DriveList 
      if 0  = i.DriveType Then  Text1  = "???     " & vbTab & i.DriveLetter & ": " & vbTab
      if 1  = i.DriveType Then  Text1  = "Disk-Lw." & vbTab & i.DriveLetter & ": " & vbTab
      if 2  = i.DriveType Then  Text1  = "Festpl. " & vbTab & i.DriveLetter & ": " & vbTab
      if 3  = i.DriveType Then  Text1  = "Netz-Lw." & vbTab & i.DriveLetter & ": " & vbTab
      if 4  = i.DriveType Then  Text1  = "CD-Lw.  " & vbTab & i.DriveLetter & ": " & vbTab
      if 5  = i.DriveType Then  Text1  = "RAM-Lw. " & vbTab & i.DriveLetter & ": " & vbTab
      If i.IsReady Then
              Text3 = ""
              Text3 =      FormatNumber(i.FreeSpace/1024/1024, 1)  & "MB" & vbTab & "von" & vbTab
          if Text3 <> "" then Text1 = Text1 & Text3
          if Text3  = "" then Text1 = Text1 & "?-?-?MB" & vbTab & "von" & vbTab
              Text3 = ""
              Text3 =      FormatNumber(i.TotalSize/1024/1024, 1)  & "MB" & vbTab & " frei"
          if Text3 <> "" then Text1 = Text1 & Text3
          if Text3  = "" then Text1 = Text1 & "?-?-?MB" & vbTab  & " frei"
      End If     
      Text2 = Text2 & Text1 & vbCRLF
Set FileOut = Nothing
MsgBox Text2, , WScript.ScriptName

Now converted into PHP

* VBS Parts from dieseyer.de => LaufWerkListe.vbs
* wahre Datei Größe ermitteln
* @param $filesize Dateigröße in Bytes filesize($value)
* @return gedrundete $filesize
function getRealSize ($filesize){
        return round (($filesize/1024),2) . " kb";
        return round ((($filesize/1024)/1024),2) . " Mb";     
        return round (((($filesize/1024)/1024)/1024),2) . " Gb";
        return round ((((($filesize/1024)/1024)/1024)/1024),2) . " Tb";

$fso=new COM("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

echo "<table border=\"1\">";

foreach($drives as $drive){
    echo "<tr><td>". $drive ."</td><td>". $typ . "</td><td>Größe: ". $size ."</td><td>Frei: ".$free ."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";     

You see, it is not hard to get the code from vbs into PHP.
For security you may set a .htaccess.
I'd like to see your scripts here!
Good luck
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