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Site Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 682

PostPosted: Sun 15 Jan '06 14:39    Post subject: ---- Apache Lounge Policies & Forum Rules ---- Reply with quote

Apache Lounge Policies

See https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=952

Forum Rules

0. Include the following when you post a problem.

- Apache version
- operating system
- indications in the log files (error.log, access.log)
- version of eg. php, mysql etc.
- Do not paste whole configuration files (php.ini, httpd.conf etc.) and dumps, and compiler output. Paste only the relevant parts or use a pastbin, for example http://apaste.info/ (recommended) or http://hastebin.com/ .
This Forum is not a consulting service where you can dump your config file and ask for it to be analyzed. It is a forum where you can ask specific questions and include small, relevant config excerpts.

1. Ensure that your new topics are in the correct forum.
When you post in the wrong forum, the post is moved without notice.

2. Do not post topics or replies containing:

Subjects which have already been discussed numerous times (please Search first);

Subjects like "Help", "How to ?". Use meaningful, specific subject headers.

If someone asks a question, don't be a wise-guy and just post some non-sense. If you don't think there is a practictal answer or solution to a question then post why or why not.

Do not over-react to replies. We have a diverse staff (nations) with different natural languages. Please remember this when you think you read a 'tone' in the reply. Written words are most easily understood when just taken at face value.

Flames directed towards other users (locked on sight, possibly with a temporary ban);

Anything not relating to the original subject of the topic (although General Chat is rather flexible);

Addressed to the admin/moderators Mario, Gregg, Steffen and Tom, ask in a post to mail you (do not post your mail address). Steffen is the only one that knows a mail address with your username, and he shall give your the address to a moderator.

Unnecessary amounts of nested quotes (if you want a topic history, scroll up);

Images linked from other sites without their permission (simply giving a URL is much more polite).

3. Do not promote a site, unless:

It's to show off something cool you've done with Apache or for the Apache Community;

It's a personal site;

It's to help somebody find something they're looking for.

4. Do not post spam.

Spam includes advertisments, content deemed inappropriate or illegal, and flooding of the boards;

Spammers will receive a kick in the ass and a lengthy ban.

5. Do not make needless, incessant usage of:

Emoticons ;
Line breaks or ALL-CAPS;
Giant fonts with ugly colours;
Swearing (although it is tolerated in moderation).

6. Ensure that your avatar:

Is not more than 90 pixels in width, or 90 pixels in height;
Does not exceed 6kb in size;
Does not contain annoying animations.

7. Do not argue with the enforcement of the above commandments.

If a member or moderator tells you to comply with one of these rules, you must comply;

If you argue, you'll be warned, and all moderators will be notified;
Keep it up, and you'll receive a temporary ban.

8. Enjoy Apache Forums!

If you have any problems, just make a post in the appropriate forum, and somebody will be glad to help you.

Mario, Gregg, Steffen and Tom
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