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Topic: Can mod_security2/2.5.0 be compiled with VC6? |
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glsmith Moderator

Joined: 16 Oct 2007 Posts: 2268 Location: Sun Diego, USA
Posted: Sat 23 Feb '08 0:43 Post subject: Can mod_security2/2.5.0 be compiled with VC6? |
Just wondering as I am having problems as usual -sigh-
Gregg |
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Steffen Moderator
Joined: 15 Oct 2005 Posts: 3112 Location: Hilversum, NL, EU
Posted: Sun 24 Feb '08 22:07 Post subject: |
Please tell your issues, see forum rules.
Steffen |
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glsmith Moderator

Joined: 16 Oct 2007 Posts: 2268 Location: Sun Diego, USA
Posted: Sat 01 Mar '08 2:44 Post subject: |
Sorry for late reply, Mom broke her hip and have been taking care of her.
Anyhow, 2.1.6 compiles and loads successfully.
I would just use the Apache Lounge version but I am trying to keep away from msvcrxx.dll as long as I can.
have libxml2.dll and lua5.1.dll in apache22\bin
Now, in the install docs for 2.5.0 instructions specifically say for (VC++8)
This is why I ask if it even can be compiled with VC6
Specifically, after chasing down all the requirements (libxml2{iconv.h iconv.lib}, lua) it compiles but Apache errors with module not found (which in this case means it doesn't work)
The only Warning I get during compile is;
cL -MD -I. -IH:\BUILD\httpd-2.2.8\srclib\pcre\include -IH:\BUILD\httpd-
2.2.8\srclib\pcre -IH:\BUILD\libxml2-2.6.30+.win32\include -IH:\BUILD\lua-5.1.
3\include -IH:\BUILD\lua-5.1.3 -IH:\Apache22\include /nologo /O2 /LD /W3 /wd424
4 -DWIN32 -DWINNT -Dinline=APR_INLINE -c apache2_io.c -Foapache2_io.obj
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '/wd4244'
apache2_io.c(429) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned int ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(434) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned long ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(569) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned int ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(574) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned long ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(658) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned int ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(663) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned long ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(766) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned int ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(771) : warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from '__int64 ' to 'u
nsigned long ', possible loss of data
apache2_io.c(569) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(574) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(658) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(663) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(766) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(771) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(429) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
apache2_io.c(434) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversio
n supplied
cL -MD -I. -IH:\BUILD\httpd-2.2.8\srclib\pcre\include -IH:\BUILD\httpd-
2.2.8\srclib\pcre -IH:\BUILD\libxml2-2.6.30+.win32\include -IH:\BUILD\lua-5.1.
3\include -IH:\BUILD\lua-5.1.3 -IH:\Apache22\include /nologo /O2 /LD /W3 /wd424
4 -DWIN32 -DWINNT -Dinline=APR_INLINE -c msc_geo.c -Fomsc_geo.obj
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '/wd4244'
msc_geo.c(431) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double ' to 'float ', pos
sible loss of data
msc_geo.c(443) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double ' to 'float ', pos
sible loss of data
Gregg |
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tdonovan Moderator
Joined: 17 Dec 2005 Posts: 612 Location: Milford, MA, USA
Posted: Sun 02 Mar '08 16:36 Post subject: |
I was able to build mod_security 2.5.0 with VC6 and run it with Apache 2.2.8 (also built with VC6). Here's what I did:
I built Apache 2.2.8 with VC6. My installation is in C:\Apache228
Code: | SET APACHE=C:\Apache228 |
First, build libxml2.dll and put it in Apache bin directory (downloaded from
Code: | CD libxml2-2.6.31\win32
CSCRIPT configure.js include=%APACHE%\include lib=%APACHE%\lib iconv=no iso8859x=yes
NMAKE /f Makefile.msvc
COPY bin.msvc\libxml2.dll %APACHE%\bin |
Next, build lua5.1.dll and put it in Apache bin directory (downloaded from
Code: | CD lua-5.1.3\src
CL /c /LD /nologo /O2 /W3 /MD -DWIN32 -DWINNT -DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL *.c
REM don't want these two .obj's in the library - they are for main executable progs
DEL lua.obj luac.obj
LINK /DLL /OUT:lua5.1.dll *.obj
COPY lua5.1.dll %APACHE%\bin |
Finally, build mod_security 2.5.0 and put it in Apache modules directory
Edit the file modsecurity-apache_2.5.0\apache2\ and set the variables BASE, LIBXML2, LUA, and PCREBASE is the Apache directory
LIBXML2 is the libxml2-2.6.31 directory
LUA is the lua-5.1.3\src directory
PCRE is the Apache source \srclib\pcre directory Code: | CD modsecurity-apache_2.5.0\apache2
COPY %APACHE%\modules\ |
I got the same compile warnings that you did, but this didn't prevent Apache from loading for me. I haven't tested it very much yet.
Hope this helps,
Last edited by tdonovan on Mon 03 Mar '08 5:07; edited 1 time in total |
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glsmith Moderator

Joined: 16 Oct 2007 Posts: 2268 Location: Sun Diego, USA
Posted: Mon 03 Mar '08 4:47 Post subject: |
Worked great, thank you!
Note in above compile instructions.
-DWITH_LUA is missing from DEFS in the mod_security makefile.
What results seems to work anyway but what of LUA since this makes no dependency on lua5.1.dll viewing with Depends. |
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