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Joined: 06 Apr 2006
Posts: 4
Location: France

PostPosted: Thu 06 Apr '06 16:01    Post subject: Mod_Proxy question Reply with quote


I have a website witch turn on on port 80 using Apache and I have also a Web application (witch has its own Apache configuration) on the same web server. My first question is if there is a possibility to have both on the same port like:

www.mydomain.com and www.mydomain.com/application_folder

What I have already done is the following steps:

- Forced my application to turn on on 81 port.
- I have my application on the www.mydomain.com:81/application_folder
- In my apache configuration of my website I have add the following lines:

ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass /rmwp http://my_IP_address:81/rmwp
ProxyPassReverse /rmwp http://my_IP_address:81/rmwp
where rmwp is the application folder.

But I have the error message below when I am trying to connect to: http://address/rmwp:

"You don't have permission to access /rmwp on this server."

Maybe something is wrong...but I don't know what.

Do you have a hint?

Thank you.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Thu 06 Apr '06 16:24    Post subject: Reply with quote

No you cannot bind two servers to the same port, to use ProxyPass is the way to do it.

Which server, 80 or 81, is given the message
"You don't have permission to access /rmwp on this server." ?

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Joined: 06 Apr 2006
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Location: France

PostPosted: Thu 06 Apr '06 16:40    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Steffen,

I suppose the message error comes from Apache from 80, because I have this message under the error message.

Apache/2.0.52 (Win32) Server at Port 80

Thank you.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Thu 06 Apr '06 18:33    Post subject: Reply with quote

I assume you have no further indication in the error.log.

You can try:

ProxyRequests off
<Directory "x:/xxxx/rmwp" >
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass /rmwp http://my_IP_address:81/rmwp
ProxyPassReverse /rmwp http://my_IP_address:81/rmwp

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Joined: 06 Apr 2006
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Location: France

PostPosted: Fri 07 Apr '06 11:23    Post subject: Reply with quote

The apache does not start at all when I made the changes you have told.

So my apache configuration is the same as before.

Below are the messages I have in the error.log

"[Fri Apr 07 11:17:14 2006] [warn] proxy: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /rmwp. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule.
[Fri Apr 07 11:17:14 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/favicon.ico"

Thank you.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 3071
Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Fri 07 Apr '06 11:29    Post subject: Reply with quote

You have to load the mods:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

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Joined: 06 Apr 2006
Posts: 4
Location: France

PostPosted: Fri 07 Apr '06 11:40    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you, Steffen.

In fact I have load the mod_proxy but not mod_proxy_http

All works.

Thank you.

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