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Joined: 01 Jul 2019
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Location: Canada, Toronto

PostPosted: Wed 28 Oct '20 17:43    Post subject: How to Build mod_csrf on windows Reply with quote

Hi, Does anybody know how to build mod_csrf in windows ?
Apache documentation points to the apache extension tool to do this:
However I need to execute this tool in windows, where can I download it?
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Wed 28 Oct '20 23:47    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had a quick look at this problem.

You've already worked out by default there is no apxs for Windows, so to build this module you have to go back to basics.

However, when trying to build mod_csrf (0.9) I hit a number of issues.

    Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.27.29112 for x64
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    mod_csrf.c(449): error C2079: 'cipher_ctx' uses undefined struct 'evp_cipher_ctx_st'

Looking at line 449 of the source code we have the following declaration:

EVP_CIPHER_CTX cipher_ctx;

Unfortunately, this suggests the module code was written for OpenSSL 1.0 rather than 1.1 series, where some data types were changed to be non-opaque to hide their internal structure.

Looking elsewhere at the code, it seems to be nominally targetted at Apache 2.2, so unfortunately, without someone picking up the module source code and modifying it for later versions of OpenSSL and Apache, I think you're stuck.

The current module hasn't been updated for several years, and is still on SourceForge, noting the original authors haven't migrated the code to GitHub.
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James Blond

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PostPosted: Thu 29 Oct '20 10:01    Post subject: Reply with quote

apxs.bat only generates a makefile.

However mod_Security can do csfr if I remember correctly.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2019
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PostPosted: Tue 15 Dec '20 20:43    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks James Blond and Thanks Tangent for your advice. I was so busy that I had forgotten to check on this issue but didn't forget to thank you both for your help and kindness. I will try mod_security and see whether that will pass the vulnerability scan.
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PostPosted: Sun 03 Jan '21 23:55    Post subject: Any Recommendation on Books or Codes Reply with quote

I have been searching all over the internet for sample codes to use mod_security for Cross Site Request Forgery attacks. I even bought the book
ModSecurity Handbook by Christian Folini and Ivan Ristic
and although there is lots of pointers on the different commands, but not a lot of code to give a head start on how to do this with Apache.

I just needs some starter code, so that I can build on it and its not that difficult to understand.

Do you have any recommendation on any books or other websites.

On the net there is lots of information on what is Cross Site Request Forgery, but not a lot of solutions that are implemented using Apache
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PostPosted: Mon 04 Jan '21 0:31    Post subject: Reply with quote

One other point,
I noticed that the guy who wrote the code removed the reference that you were describing earlier here :


Do you think now that would qualify for version 2.4.46 of apache?

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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Tue 05 Jan '21 19:03    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you check that patch, you'll find the developers haven't removed or updated their references to EVP_CIPHER_CTX ; they've simply moved their EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup() function call further down the file. So as stated above, without further code and API updates that module is not going to work with OpenSSL 1.1 series, or Apache 2.4 series.

In any case, as James suggests, the method this module uses to protect against CSRF attacks appears to be similar to that used by mod_security; namely you have to inject a CSRF token into your page source/forms for mod_security to then validate.

I've only used mod_security in anger a few times, and started my HOW-TO learning at OWASP - https://owasp.org/www-project-modsecurity-core-rule-set.

A quick scan of the net over CSRF with mod_security throws up any number of interesting links, e.g.


but I agree with you there are few worked examples out there, not least of which site content and how people choose to code functionality differs so much. Good luck!
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
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Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Tue 05 Jan '21 20:11    Post subject: Reply with quote

It might also be an option to use such a thing in your application like https://github.com/JBlond/NoCSRF
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