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Reply to topic   Topic: Location authentication configuration ignored in VirtualHost

Joined: 25 Oct 2022
Posts: 2
Location: Ireland

PostPosted: Tue 25 Oct '22 10:56    Post subject: Location authentication configuration ignored in VirtualHost Reply with quote

I have the following configuration in a config file for httpd:

Listen 6666
    <VirtualHost server-name:6666>

    ServerName server-name
    LogLevel trace6
    LogFormat "%h %p %l %u %t %D \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{X-Tor-Application}i \"BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE: %{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e\"" combined
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/virtualhost2.log combined
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/modcluster_error_log


    <Location /mod_cluster-manager>
            SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "MCM Authentication Control"
            AuthUserFile /etc/modclusterpasswd
            Require user root

I would expect that when I run a curl command to the mod_cluster-manager endpoint, the request will only be served if I pass the username and password. However, the request is granted regardless.

I have also tried putting "Require all denied" inside my Location tag, but the modcluster manager page is still served regardless of this.

In my custom error log I can see the following:

[core:trace3] [pid 12219:tid 139843900258048] request.c(312): [client] request authorized without authentication by access_checker_ex hook: /mod_cluster-manager

I don't get any logs from authz/authn etc to indicate that the request is being processed for authentication.

In the Apache httpd source code (httpd_request.h) I can see:

* This hook is used to apply additional access control and/or bypass
* authentication for this resource. It runs *before* a user is authenticated,
* but after the access_checker hook.
* This hook should be registered with ap_hook_check_access_ex().
* If "Satisfy any" is in effect, this hook may be skipped.
* @param r the current request
* @return OK (allow access), DECLINED (let later modules decide),
*         or HTTP_... (deny access)
* @ingroup hooks
* @see ap_hook_check_access_ex
AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int,access_checker_ex,(request_rec *r))
And also in request.c:

else if (access_status == OK) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE3, 0, r,
                          "request authorized without authentication by "
                          "access_checker_ex hook: %s", r->uri);

This appears to be the source of the output I am seeing in the log.

What could be causing my authentication configuration to be ignored? And how can I fix it?
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Tue 25 Oct '22 22:03    Post subject: Reply with quote

You don't say which version of Apache you're using, but since you're using mod_cluster suspect it's Redhat based.

In the past I've used the mod_proxy_balancer module with a location based section to control access to /balancer-manager, using file based basic authentication exactly as you've detailed in your post, and it works as expected.

So chances are, as your investigation suggests, there's something in the mod_cluster code that's setting access_status == OK, so bypassing the auth module logic.

Do your trace log entries change if you add a Satisfy Any directive to your location block?

Do you have the mod_cluster module source, to be able to check the code behind the access_checker_ex hook, as referenced from request.c?
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Joined: 25 Oct 2022
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Location: Ireland

PostPosted: Wed 26 Oct '22 14:22    Post subject: Reply with quote

tangent wrote:
You don't say which version of Apache you're using, but since you're using mod_cluster suspect it's Redhat based.

Yes you're correct, running apachectl -v gives me:
Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat) (Release 41.jbcs.el7-SP1)

tangent wrote:
Do your trace log entries change if you add a Satisfy Any directive to your location block?

Just tried this, and yes the log changes if I add a Satisfy Any to the log line:
[Wed Oct 26 12:33:47.161653 2022] [core:trace3] [pid 5901:tid 139728154220288] request.c(323): [client] request authorized without authentication by access_checker hook and 'Satisfy any': /mod_cluster-manager

If I change to "Satisfy All" I get the same log line as the original issue, presumably because Satisfy All and Satisfy_NOSPEC are the same:
switch (ap_satisfies(r)) {
        case SATISFY_ALL:
        case SATISFY_NOSPEC:

tangent wrote:
Do you have the mod_cluster module source, to be able to check the code behind the access_checker_ex hook, as referenced from request.c?

Not sure on where to find the source I'm using but presumably it's one of the following?

Haven't found "access_checker_ex" or anything in these yet that I can see as the cause of the issue.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Wed 26 Oct '22 20:49    Post subject: Reply with quote

The GitHub links you've posted don't appear to reference any HTTPD source code, bit rather Java based JBCS Apache Server (JBoss Core Services), and a Docker script. Believe RedHat consider this code proprietary, though I did find this native HTTPD based reference to mod_cluster: https://github.com/modcluster/mod_proxy_cluster

Looking for hook code declarations in mod_manager.c, mod_proxy_cluster.c, etc., I can't see any obvious access functions which bypass subsequent authentication checks, though your testing rather confirms otherwise.

The problem I have is I don't have access to a RedHat instance to be able to troubleshoot this problem further.

I do hope other site contributers can help resolve this problem for you.
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