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Joined: 11 Apr 2023
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Location: France, Rouen

PostPosted: Tue 11 Apr '23 21:46    Post subject: Apache 2.4 and mod_ftp Reply with quote


I want to use Apache on Windows as a webdav server, ftp server and reverse proxy.

I have setted up Apache24 as a webdav server and reverse proxy with a LetsEncrypt certificate but when I try to use the ftp module, Apache can't be restarted : is the ftp module compatible with Apache24?

Thank you for your help Smile
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James Blond

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PostPosted: Wed 19 Apr '23 8:53    Post subject: Reply with quote

mod_ftp isn't included in the standard modules. You have to ask if someone will compile it for you for Windows.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2023
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Location: France, Rouen

PostPosted: Wed 19 Apr '23 16:47    Post subject: Apache 2.4 and mod_ftp Reply with quote


Thank you for your answer

I have found mod_ftp.so on internet

If I add it to a Apache 2.4 configuration, Apache2.4 does not start.

If I add it to a Apache 2.2 configuration, Apache 2.2 and FTP server works fine.

Last edited by mapomme1108 on Wed 19 Apr '23 16:54; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Apr 2023
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Location: France, Rouen

PostPosted: Wed 19 Apr '23 16:50    Post subject: Apache 2.4 and mod_ftp Reply with quote

I want to use the ftp server with Apache 2.4 because I also use a reverse proxy and webdav server with Apache 2.4 and a LetsEncrypt certificate.

I can configure the reverse proxy and webdav server and LetsEncrypt certificate with Apache 2.2, but if I access an application that is behind the reverse proxy, there is an error message saying there is a SSL ERROR

I think the ssl part of Apache 2.2 is not compatible with the LetsEncrypt certificate
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Fri 21 Apr '23 12:52    Post subject: Reply with quote

It looks like mod_ftp hasn't been updated to build with more recent versions of Visual Studio, as much as Apache 2.4.

I'm not sure if it would meet your requirements, but you could you try running an "End Of Life" instance of Apache 2.2 with your mod_ftp module on a custom port, listening on just the loopback interface to prevent remote access. Then configure a further proxy_ftp section in your Apache 2.4 instance, to proxy appropriate FTP requests to the local Apache 2.2 instance.

Alternatively, you could try building your own mod_ftp module for Apache 2.4.

Using a virtual machine build with HowTo https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=8609 and VS17, I quickly tried building mod_ftp from source.

You need to change "conn_rec" source file references "remote_ip" to "client_ip", and "remote_addr" to "client_addr", which changed with Apache 2.4 - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/developer/new_api_2_4.html. Files affected are ftp_commands.c, ftp_data_connection.c, ftp_limitlogin.c and ftp_message.c.

In a command window I then ran the following to build module_ftp.so

nmake /f mod_ftp.mak CFG="mod_ftp - Win32 Release" APACHE2_HOME=C:\Apache24

Installing the module into Apache, and adding "LoadModule ftp_module modules/mod_ftp.so" to httpd.conf, the module appears to load, though I can't vouch for its functionality under Apache 2.4.

C:\Apache24\bin>httpd -M 2>nul | findstr ftp
 ftp_module (shared)
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Joined: 17 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri 21 Apr '23 18:26    Post subject: Reply with quote

I checked in a change for this (and a few other small bugs I found) to mod_ftp.

You can fetch it with SVN:
svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/mod_ftp/trunk  mod_ftp

It builds and tests OK for me on Linux. I no longer have a Windows system, so please reply here if you get a chance to build & test it on Windows.

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