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Reply to topic   Topic: PHP openssl versions questions

Joined: 03 Apr 2023
Posts: 37
Location: Bridgeton,NJ,USA

PostPosted: Tue 13 Jun '23 7:52    Post subject: PHP openssl versions questions Reply with quote

so i am using the latest apache build from here with wampserver,the server states "Apache/2.4.57 (Win64) OpenSSL/3.1.1 configured -- resuming normal operations"
but when i open a php info it states "OpenSSL 1.1.1t 7 Feb 2023"
i am using php 8.1.20 with mod_php
would using mod_fcgid resolve this issue?
im confused as to what openssl version is actually used on my website.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2011
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Location: Paris, France, EU

PostPosted: Tue 13 Jun '23 9:32    Post subject: Reply with quote


To use PHP 8.1.20, which supports openssl 1.1.1, with Apache 2.4.57, which supports openssl 3.1.1, as an Apache module, you need to create symbolic links in the Apache bin folder to the openssl 1.1.1 dlls of the PHP version you're using, which is done automatically with Wampserver.

This is in no way a defect or a problem; it's a way of using PHP versions lower than 8.2.0 with Apache versions that only support openssl 3.1.

In the Apache module, if the PHP version supports openssl 3.1, the Apache dlls will be used. If the PHP version does not support openssl 3.1, the PHP version dlls will be used.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2011
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Location: Paris, France, EU

PostPosted: Tue 13 Jun '23 11:57    Post subject: Reply with quote


Here's an example with Apache
apache/bin/ folder just after installing version apache :
 The volume in drive E is called SATA_1_E
 The volume's serial number is F491-4AA3

 E:\wamp64\bin\apache2.4.57.3\bin directory

13/06/2023  11:37    <DIR>          .
13/06/2023  11:37    <DIR>          ..
31/05/2023  10:51            98 816 ab.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           111 104 abs.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            43 008 ApacheMonitor.exe
31/05/2023  10:48            19 456 apr_crypto_openssl-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48            31 744 apr_dbd_odbc-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48            14 848 apr_ldap-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:52             9 192 dbmmanage.pl
31/05/2023  10:51           101 888 htcacheclean.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           124 416 htdbm.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            86 016 htdigest.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           118 272 htpasswd.exe
31/05/2023  10:52            30 720 httpd.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            65 536 httxt2dbm.exe
07/11/2022  11:40            55 296 jansson.dll
31/05/2023  10:47           216 064 libapr-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:47            36 864 libapriconv-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48           293 376 libaprutil-1.dll
31/05/2023  09:38         6 093 824 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
03/04/2023  10:16           545 280 libcurl.dll
31/05/2023  10:48           461 824 libhttpd.dll
31/05/2023  09:46           778 240 libssl-3-x64.dll
07/11/2022  11:44         1 363 968 libxml2.dll
31/05/2023  10:51            58 368 logresolve.exe
07/11/2022  13:51           238 080 lua54.dll
06/03/2023  11:48           156 672 nghttp2.dll
31/05/2023  09:49           721 920 openssl.exe
07/11/2022  12:10           401 920 pcre.dll
09/01/2023  12:13           536 576 pcre2-8.dll
31/05/2023  10:51            79 360 rotatelogs.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            18 944 wintty.exe
05/11/2022  12:24           468 480 yajl.dll
07/11/2022  11:29            90 112 zlib1.dll
              32 file(s) 13 470 184 bytes

The same folder after setting PHP 8.2.7 as the apache module:
 The volume in drive E is called SATA_1_E
 The volume's serial number is F491-4AA3

 E:\wamp64\bin\apache2.4.57.3\bin directory

13/06/2023  11:46    <DIR>          .
13/06/2023  11:46    <DIR>          ..
31/05/2023  10:51            98 816 ab.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           111 104 abs.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            43 008 ApacheMonitor.exe
31/05/2023  10:48            19 456 apr_crypto_openssl-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48            31 744 apr_dbd_odbc-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48            14 848 apr_ldap-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:52             9 192 dbmmanage.pl
31/05/2023  10:51           101 888 htcacheclean.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           124 416 htdbm.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            86 016 htdigest.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           118 272 htpasswd.exe
31/05/2023  10:52            30 720 httpd.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            65 536 httxt2dbm.exe
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      icudt71.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/icudt71.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      icuin71.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/icuin71.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      icuio71.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/icuio71.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      icuuc71.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/icuuc71.dll]
07/11/2022  11:40            55 296 jansson.dll
31/05/2023  10:47           216 064 libapr-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:47            36 864 libapriconv-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48           293 376 libaprutil-1.dll
31/05/2023  09:38         6 093 824 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
03/04/2023  10:16           545 280 libcurl.dll
31/05/2023  10:48           461 824 libhttpd.dll
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      libpq.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/libpq.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      libsasl.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/libsasl.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      libsodium.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/libsodium.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      libsqlite3.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/libsqlite3.dll]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      libssh2.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/libssh2.dll]
31/05/2023  09:46           778 240 libssl-3-x64.dll
07/11/2022  11:44         1 363 968 libxml2.dll
31/05/2023  10:51            58 368 logresolve.exe
07/11/2022  13:51           238 080 lua54.dll
06/03/2023  11:48           156 672 nghttp2.dll
31/05/2023  09:49           721 920 openssl.exe
07/11/2022  12:10           401 920 pcre.dll
09/01/2023  12:13           536 576 pcre2-8.dll
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      php.ini [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/phpForApache.ini]
13/06/2023  11:46    <SYMLINK>      php8ts.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.2.7/php8ts.dll]
31/05/2023  10:51            79 360 rotatelogs.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            18 944 wintty.exe
05/11/2022  12:24           468 480 yajl.dll
07/11/2022  11:29            90 112 zlib1.dll
              43 files(s)       13 470 184 octets
Note the symbolic links (<SYMLINK>)
Now the same folder but with PHP 8.0.29 (which only supports openssl 1.1) as apache module
 The volume in drive E is called SATA_1_E
 The volume's serial number is F491-4AA3

 E:\wamp64\bin\apache2.4.57.3\bin directory

13/06/2023  11:50    <DIR>          .
13/06/2023  11:50    <DIR>          ..
31/05/2023  10:51            98 816 ab.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           111 104 abs.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            43 008 ApacheMonitor.exe
31/05/2023  10:48            19 456 apr_crypto_openssl-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48            31 744 apr_dbd_odbc-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48            14 848 apr_ldap-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:52             9 192 dbmmanage.pl
31/05/2023  10:51           101 888 htcacheclean.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           124 416 htdbm.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            86 016 htdigest.exe
31/05/2023  10:51           118 272 htpasswd.exe
31/05/2023  10:52            30 720 httpd.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            65 536 httxt2dbm.exe
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      icudt68.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/icudt68.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      icuin68.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/icuin68.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      icuio68.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/icuio68.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      icuuc68.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/icuuc68.dll]
07/11/2022  11:40            55 296 jansson.dll
31/05/2023  10:47           216 064 libapr-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:47            36 864 libapriconv-1.dll
31/05/2023  10:48           293 376 libaprutil-1.dll
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll]
31/05/2023  09:38         6 093 824 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
03/04/2023  10:16           545 280 libcurl.dll
31/05/2023  10:48           461 824 libhttpd.dll
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libpq.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libpq.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libsasl.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libsasl.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libsodium.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libsodium.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libsqlite3.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libsqlite3.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libssh2.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libssh2.dll]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      libssl-1_1-x64.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/libssl-1_1-x64.dll]
31/05/2023  09:46           778 240 libssl-3-x64.dll
07/11/2022  11:44         1 363 968 libxml2.dll
31/05/2023  10:51            58 368 logresolve.exe
07/11/2022  13:51           238 080 lua54.dll
06/03/2023  11:48           156 672 nghttp2.dll
31/05/2023  09:49           721 920 openssl.exe
07/11/2022  12:10           401 920 pcre.dll
09/01/2023  12:13           536 576 pcre2-8.dll
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      php.ini [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/phpForApache.ini]
13/06/2023  11:50    <SYMLINK>      php8ts.dll [E:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.29/php8ts.dll]
31/05/2023  10:51            79 360 rotatelogs.exe
31/05/2023  10:51            18 944 wintty.exe
05/11/2022  12:24           468 480 yajl.dll
07/11/2022  11:29            90 112 zlib1.dll
              45 files(s)       13 470 184 octets
Note the symbolic links to libcrypto-1.1-x64.dll and libssl-1_1-x64.dll in PHP 8.0.29.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2023
Posts: 37
Location: Bridgeton,NJ,USA

PostPosted: Tue 13 Jun '23 12:52    Post subject: Reply with quote

thankyou for your reply!
so what should i copy to my php 8.1 folder to force the use of openssl 3.1.1 instead or the 1.1 branch?
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Joined: 01 Sep 2011
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Location: Paris, France, EU

PostPosted: Tue 13 Jun '23 13:45    Post subject: Reply with quote


This is not possible!

PHP 8.1 does not support openssl 3.1

openssl 3.1 is only supported as of PHP 8.2.0
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Joined: 09 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Tue 13 Jun '23 16:20    Post subject: Reply with quote

Otomatic wrote:
PHP 8.1 does not support openssl 3.1

openssl 3.1 is only supported as of PHP 8.2.0

Hmmm. The plans of the PHP devs stated that PHP 8.1 would be compiled with OpenSSL 3.0 on Windows as well:
If PHP 8.1 could be compiled with OpenSSL 3.0, chances are high that OpenSSL 3.1 should also work OK.

BTW: Even PHP 8.3.0 Alpha 1 for Windows is built with OpenSSL 3.0. In fact: 3.0.8.
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Location: Paris, France, EU

PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 9:31    Post subject: Reply with quote


All PHP 8.1 binaries for Windows come with the openssl 1.1 dlls:

As explained above, if Wampserver uses a PHP version lower than 8.2.0 as a PHP module for Apache, symbolic links are created on the openssl 1.1 dlls of the PHP version.

With Apache, the PHP version module Apache 8.1.20 and symbolic links are created on the openssll 1.1 dlls mentioned above.

My local https sites pose no problem.
Let's remove the two symbolic links on the openssl 1.1 dlls and restart Apache.
In the apache/bin folder there are only the openssll 3.1 dlls:
and my local https sites still work without a hitch.

Does this mean that PHP 8.1.20 uses Apache openssl 3.1?
As I don't have the necessary skills, I wouldn't know!
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James Blond

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PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 10:10    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yet another reason to use mod_fcgid to escape the dependency hell.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2011
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Location: Paris, France, EU

PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 11:49    Post subject: Reply with quote

James Blond wrote:
Yet another reason to use mod_fcgid to escape the dependency hell.

I'm convinced of it!
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Joined: 03 Apr 2023
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Location: Bridgeton,NJ,USA

PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 18:09    Post subject: Reply with quote

if i switch to FCGID would php 8.1 use the newer openssl version?
i've been hesitant to using fcgid as im not overly sure how to fine tune the parameters.
but if it is possible then i would make the switch.
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Location: Amsterdam, NL, EU

PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 19:43    Post subject: Reply with quote

James Blond wrote:
Yet another reason to use mod_fcgid to escape the dependency hell.

Nevertheless, I do not think it is wise when Apachelounge uses another main branch of OpenSSL than what PHP uses for PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3. I have asked the PHP devs to provide clarity: https://externals.io/message/119305#120565
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Site Admin

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Posts: 682

PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 20:17    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think we do not have a real issue.

Otomatic explains above to use symbolic links to use 3.1.x with other php versions.

Maybe Otomatic can instruct how to make such symbolic links. Then we can put that in the readme of the download, and in the announcement.
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PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 22:30    Post subject: Reply with quote

admin wrote:
Otomatic explains above to use symbolic links to use 3.1.x with other php versions.

Maybe Otomatic can instruct how to make such symbolic links. Then we can put that in the readme of the download, and in the announcement.

Otomatic did not show a symlink between OpenSSL 3.1.x (apache/bin) and OpenSSL 3.0.x (PHP 8.2/8.3). And I would strongly advice against doing that. There is a reason that they are from different main branches. The only safe way is to build both Apache and PHP with OpenSSL from the same main branch.

And symlinking between OpenSSL 1.1.1x (PHP 8.0/8.1) and OpenSSL 3.1.x (apache/bin) is even more dangerous.
Otomatic wrote:
Does this mean that PHP 8.1.20 uses Apache openssl 3.1?
As I don't have the necessary skills, I wouldn't know!
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Location: Bridgeton,NJ,USA

PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 23:01    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh wow this thread is getting very interesting!
how do you think that using different openssl versions could be dangerous?
and if this is the case then how would we go about ensuring that the php and apache dlls are the same ones?
php 8.0 and 8.1 are still widely used,i myself use php 8.1 as the apps i use on my site arent 8.2 compatible yet.
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PostPosted: Wed 14 Jun '23 23:25    Post subject: Reply with quote

mrdj1024 wrote:

how do you think that using different openssl versions could be dangerous?
and if this is the case then how would we go about ensuring that the php and apache dlls are the same ones?

My warning was against symlinking OpenSSL binaries from different main branches. admin's suggestion was that symlinking was the solution for the fact that Apache uses OpenSSL 3.1 and PHP 8.2 uses OpenSSL 3.0. It is not. Symlinking means that you either try to run Apache (which is compiled with OpenSSL 3.1) with the binaries from OpenSSL 3.0. Or you try to run PHP 8.2/8.3 (which are compiled by the PHP-devs with OpenSSL 3.0) with Apache's OpenSSL 3.1 binaries. Do not try this at home. And certainly not in production.

My advice for Apachelounge: use the same OpenSSL main branch that the PHP-devs are using for PHP 8.2. Only then is mod_php still a viable alternative to mod_fcgid.
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Site Admin

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Posts: 682

PostPosted: Thu 15 Jun '23 9:42    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is not clear what the openssl version policy of the PHP devs is.

And there is a very good alternative for mod_php: mod_fcgid.

Our policy is build with the latest dependencies (curl, Openssl etc.). PHP devs are not the only ones building with OpenSSL.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2011
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Location: Paris, France, EU

PostPosted: Thu 15 Jun '23 9:43    Post subject: Reply with quote

admin wrote:
Maybe Otomatic can instruct how to make such symbolic links.


There are several ways to create a symbolic link.
- Using the Windows MKLINK command line.
To obtain the information, in a command window, type
I won't give you the result, because I've got it in French.

- The PHP function symlink

- For over 20 years, Hermann Schinagl has been developing and maintaining a Windows shell extension:
Hard Link Shell Extension
which lets you create symbolic links, junctions and other "tricks" by simply dragging and dropping with right-click:

In Wampserver, symbolic links are created by a PHP script.
foreach($phpDllToCopy as $dll)   {
  $target = $c_phpVersionDir.'/php'.$php_version.'/'.$dll;
  $link = $c_apacheVersionDir.'/apache'.$wampConf['apacheVersion'].'/'.$wampConf['apacheExeDir'].'/'.$dll;
  //symlink deleted if exists
  if(is_link($link)) unlink($link);
  //Symlink created if file exists in phpx.y.z directory and is not a file in Apache bin directory
  if(is_file($target) && !is_file($link)) {
    if(symlink($target, $link) === false) {
      $errorTxt .= "Error while creating symlink '".$link."' to '".$target."' using php symlink function\n";

In reality, it's a little more complicated, because you need to take into account the versions of PHP and Apache to know which are the openssl versions on each side.
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