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Reply to topic   Topic: How to compile self created Apache module under windows?

Joined: 21 Mar 2018
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu 22 Mar '18 19:43    Post subject: How to compile self created Apache module under windows? Reply with quote

How to compile a self created Apache module under windows in repeatable batch mode (without using a tool that I have to compile with a tool that I have to compile first)?

I have got:
- win 10 / german
- visual studio build tools 2017
- apache 2.4 (httpd-2.4.23-win64-VC14)
- a demo apache module code 'mod_example_1.c' from here: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/developer/modguide.html

here is what I did:
- tried to recompile aspx with cygwin-perl -> got stuck in perl error messages
- read somewhere, that windows apache is compiled via visual studio
- did run in cmd:
[mypath]\cl -nologo -MD -W3 -O2 -c -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -DNDEBUG -I[includepath1] -I[includepath2]-I[includepath3] -I[includepath4] -I[includepath5] mod_example_1.c
from within the folder where I put mod_example_1.c, according to post 2 under
(of cause bracket-strings [ ] are placeholders for real pathes or pathes+files on my computer)

This returned me german error messages:
mod_example_1.c(13): error C2054: Nach "module" muss "(" folgen
mod_example_1.c(13): error C2085: "example_module": Nicht in der formalen Parameterliste enthalten
mod_example_1.c(13): error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ";" vor "="
mod_example_1.c(30): warning C4013: "ap_hook_handler" undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp int

mod_example_1.c(13): error C2054: After "module" must follow "("
mod_example_1.c(13): error C2085: "example_module": Not part of the formal list of parameters
mod_example_1.c(13): error C2143: Syntax error: ";" is missing, before "="
mod_example_1.c(30): warning C4013: "ap_hook_handler" undefined; assumption: external with return type int

What do I miss? ...and also where is 'module' defined as I could not find it in the list of c-reserved words and according to my windows search not in any h-file in my apache-include-folder?

If I did post to the wrong forum category please let me know - I am really not sure if I got that right.

Mod edit: changed the english translation for the error messages
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Fri 23 Mar '18 15:04    Post subject: Reply with quote

That module is no complete. For a very simple testing module in a single file see https://github.com/JBlond/mod_moo/blob/master/src/mod_moo2.c

The last paramter in module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA ( the hook function) has to be a valid function. That hook also triggers the init function

if you still have a question please ask again.
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Joined: 21 Mar 2018
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri 23 Mar '18 23:08    Post subject: Reply with quote

works like a charm - thank you very much

...I was so convinced that this demo module is complete... hours over hours search at the wrong place... really: thank you...
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