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Reply to topic   Topic: Can't get mod_view 2.2 to work, getting the 404 file error

Joined: 29 Jan 2020
Posts: 6
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu 30 Jan '20 1:12    Post subject: Can't get mod_view 2.2 to work, getting the 404 file error Reply with quote

I am using the Apache 2.2.41 Win-64 VS16 binaries on an HP laptop running Windows 10 Pro.

I have two FQ domains and have the Apache virtual hosting working, as well as SSL in its virtual hosting containers.

I downloaded the mod_view-2.2-win64-VS16 and installed it according to the readme.

But, I can't get it to work.

I get the 404 error when I use the test URL in a browser window. The browser is Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 Pro.

Could anyone help me solve my issue?

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 3071
Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Thu 30 Jan '20 11:42    Post subject: Reply with quote

Long time ago I looked in mod_view, I am using it :

Try to remove the AliasMatch line and replace with Alias.

<IfModule mod_view.c>
Alias /log "c:/apache24/log"
<Directory "c:/apache24/log">
ViewEnable on
Require local

Replace c:/apache24/log with the location of your log folder.

To test:

Replace acces_log with the name of your log file you want to see in the folder c:/apache24/log .

If the log file has only <5 lines you do not see it in the browser.

When it works, please say. Then I change the readme.
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Joined: 29 Jan 2020
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat 01 Feb '20 2:05    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, Steffen

You're the man! ^5s.

I changed the <IfModule> to look just like what you posted.

And changed the test URL localhost to my NAT address of the PC running the Apache server. And access_log to access.log in the test URL.

It worked!

Another question, since I am using the Apache 2.4.41 binaries, why is it <IfModule mod_view.c> instead of <IfModule mod_view.so>?

BTW, <IfModule mod_view.so> doesn't work.

Thanks for your help, Steffen
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 3071
Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Sat 01 Feb '20 12:12    Post subject: Reply with quote

GeneG wrote:

Another question, since I am using the Apache 2.4.41 binaries, why is it <IfModule mod_view.c> instead of <IfModule mod_view.so>?

mod_view.c is the name of the source file which contains the code for the module. This is the name used by the <IfModule> directive.

Changed the ReadMe.

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