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Reply to topic   Topic: mlogc.exe (failed match regex) after update 2.9.5 (solved)

Joined: 08 Apr 2022
Posts: 11
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Tue 12 Apr '22 16:28    Post subject: mlogc.exe (failed match regex) after update 2.9.5 (solved) Reply with quote

After update of apache and mod_security mlogc.exe failed to send log-entries.

Update from:
Windows Server 2016
Apache 2.4.49 (x64)
mod_security 2.9.3 (x64)

Update to:
Apache 2.4.53 (x64)
mod_security 2.9.5 (x64)

No cofiguration changes were made.

Error (mlogc-error.log):
Invalid entry (failed to match regex)

Before update everything was fine without errors.
If i downgrade mlogc went back to normal work.

Did anyone had the same error or better a solution?
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Tue 12 Apr '22 20:35    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apache httpd release 2.4.53 is now built with PCRE2 - see https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=8861&highlight=pcre2

However, Steffen points out here in this earlier post (https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=8843) that mod_security is built with the old PCRE. So for now you need to leave a copy of the old pcre.dll in the bin directory.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2022
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PostPosted: Thu 21 Apr '22 9:38    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello tangent,

thank you for your reply.

In my update-test I had left the pcre.dll in the /bin folder.

Is there any other configuration I have to do?
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Thu 21 Apr '22 23:03    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you turn up the debug level do the logs give you any more clues over which regex construct is failing?

At this point I'd suspect a subtle change in mod_security functionality, so my next step would be to verify this by trying 2.9.3 with the later Apache release.

You might need to refine your mod_security configuration.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2022
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PostPosted: Tue 10 May '22 14:42    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry for my late reply, i was on vacation.

The debug logs don't give me more clues, or i don't see them. (with high debug level the logs are very large)

I tested mod_security with later Apache release:
Apache 2.4.53 (x64)
mod_security 2.9.3 (x64) (no Update)
No Configuration-Change

Runs without error.

I'm trying some more tests.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2022
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Location: Germany

PostPosted: Thu 12 May '22 12:08    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, i have done some tests.
I can reproduce the error if i simple change the mod_security2.so and mlogc.exe from 2.9.3 to 2.9.5

The only difference i see, is the part after "Processing entry."
Version 2.9.5: "Invalid entry (failed to match regex)"
Version 2.9.3: "Regular expression matched."

Does anyone know what could trigger this error.

mlogc-error.log (debug)

Version 2.9.5
[Thu May 12 10:27:08 2022] [3] [1320/0] Configuring ModSecurity Audit Log Collector 2.9.5.
[Thu May 12 10:27:08 2022] [3] [1320/0] Delaying execution for 5000ms.
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [4] [4888/0] Continuing execution after 5000ms delay.
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] CollectorRoot=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] ErrorLog=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc-error.log
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] ErrorLogLevel=5
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] StartupDelay=5000
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] TLSProtocol=1
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] cURL version=7.83.0
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] CheckpointInterval=15
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] InsecureNoCheckCert=1
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] QueuePath=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc-queue.log
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] LockFile=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc.lck
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] ServerErrorTimeout=60
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] TransactionDelay=50
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] TransactionLog=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc-transaction.log
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] MaxConnections=10
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] MaxWorkerRequests=1000
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] LogStorageDir=C:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/audit
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] ConsoleURI=http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/AuditConsole/rpc/auditLogReceiver
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] SensorUsername=xxxxxxxxxx
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] SensorPassword=xxxxxxxxxx
[Thu May 12 10:27:11 2022] [5] [4888/0] KeepEntries=0

[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [5] [1320/0] Read 273 bytes from pipe: `localhost ::1 - - [12/May/2022:10:27:55.867925 +0200] \"GET /server-status?resource=js HTTP/1.1\" 200 57913 \"-\" \"-\" YnzFC27a8n3ZIzLvOD77qwAAAf0 \"-\" /Administrator/20220512/20220512-1027/20220512-102755-YnzFC27a8n3ZIzLvOD77qwAAAf0 0 1244 md5:f81660674d363c13bcf97e3454d93b81 \n'
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [5] [1320/0] Received audit log entry (count 1 queue 0 workers 0): localhost ::1 - - [12/May/2022:10:27:55.867925 +0200] \"GET /server-status?resource=js HTTP/1.1\" 200 57913 \"-\" \"-\" YnzFC27a8n3ZIzLvOD77qwAAAf0 \"-\" /Administrator/20220512/20220512-1027/20220512-102755-YnzFC27a8n3ZIzLvOD77qwAAAf0 0 1244 md5:f81660674d363c13bcf97e3454d93b81
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/0] Queue locking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/0] Worker creation started.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/0] Worker creation completed: 221154c22b0
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/0] Queue unlocking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/0] Processed 1 entries from buffer.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [5] [1320/0] Shifted buffer back 260 and offset 0 bytes for next read: `'
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [5] [1320/0] Internal state: [evnt "0"][curr "0"][next "0"][nbytes "65536"]
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker thread starting.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch locking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch waiting on thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch started.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Getting one entry from the queue.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch completed.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch unlocking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Processing entry.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [2] [1320/221154c22b0] Invalid entry (failed to match regex): localhost ::1 - - [12/May/2022:10:27:55.867925 +0200] \"GET /server-status?resource=js HTTP/1.1\" 200 57913 \"-\" \"-\" YnzFC27a8n3ZIzLvOD77qwAAAf0 \"-\" /Administrator/20220512/20220512-1027/20220512-102755-YnzFC27a8n3ZIzLvOD77qwAAAf0 0 1244 md5:f81660674d363c13bcf97e3454d93b81
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker processing completed.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch locking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch waiting on thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch started.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Removing previous entry from storage.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Getting one entry from the queue.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker fetch unlocking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] No more work for this thread, exiting.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker shutdown locking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker shutdown unlocking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:27:55 2022] [4] [1320/221154c22b0] Worker thread completed.

Version 2.9.3
[Thu May 12 10:59:17 2022] [3] [11220/0] Configuring ModSecurity Audit Log Collector 2.9.3.
[Thu May 12 10:59:17 2022] [3] [11220/0] Delaying execution for 5000ms.
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [4] [7100/0] Continuing execution after 5000ms delay.
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] CollectorRoot=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] ErrorLog=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc-error.log
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] ErrorLogLevel=5
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] StartupDelay=5000
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] TLSProtocol=1
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] cURL version=7.83.0
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] CheckpointInterval=15
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] InsecureNoCheckCert=1
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] QueuePath=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc-queue.log
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] LockFile=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc.lck
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] ServerErrorTimeout=60
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] TransactionDelay=50
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] TransactionLog=c:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/log/mlogc-transaction.log
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] MaxConnections=10
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] MaxWorkerRequests=1000
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] LogStorageDir=C:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/audit
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] ConsoleURI=http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/AuditConsole/rpc/auditLogReceiver
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] SensorUsername=xxxxxxxxxx
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] SensorPassword=xxxxxxxxxx
[Thu May 12 10:59:18 2022] [5] [7100/0] KeepEntries=0

[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [5] [11220/0] Read 253 bytes from pipe: `localhost ::1 - - [12/May/2022:10:59:43 +0200] \"GET /server-status HTTP/1.1\" 200 4929 \"-\" \"-\" YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0 \"-\" /apacheservice/20220512/20220512-1059/20220512-105943-YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0 0 6299 md5:325c85f3977cfc3031f259c93697163a \n'
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [5] [11220/0] Received audit log entry (count 1 queue 0 workers 0): localhost ::1 - - [12/May/2022:10:59:43 +0200] \"GET /server-status HTTP/1.1\" 200 4929 \"-\" \"-\" YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0 \"-\" /apacheservice/20220512/20220512-1059/20220512-105943-YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0 0 6299 md5:325c85f3977cfc3031f259c93697163a
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/0] Queue locking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/0] Worker creation started.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/0] Creating thread_pool.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/0] Worker creation completed: 2511bc511b8
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/0] Queue unlocking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/0] Processed 1 entries from buffer.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [5] [11220/0] Shifted buffer back 253 and offset 0 bytes for next read: `'
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [5] [11220/0] Internal state: [evnt "0"][curr "0"][next "0"][nbytes "65536"]
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Worker thread starting.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Worker fetch locking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Worker fetch started.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Getting one entry from the queue.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Worker fetch completed.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Worker fetch unlocking thread mutex.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Processing entry.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Regular expression matched.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] STAT "C:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/audit/apacheservice/20220512/20220512-1059/20220512-105943-YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0" {uid=465616768; gid=0; size=6299; csize=0; atime=0; ctime=0; mtime=0}
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] File found (6299 bytes), activating cURL.
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [5] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080...
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) port 8080 (#0)
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: Server auth using Basic with user 'xxxxxxxxxx'
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: HEADER_OUT PUT /AuditConsole/rpc/auditLogReceiver HTTP/1.1
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [5] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: DATA_OUT --29000000-A--
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: We are completely uploaded and fine
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: HEADER_IN HTTP/1.1 200
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: HEADER_IN Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=F3E6278BEA0E09CBEC5288382A9945A1; Path=/AuditConsole; HttpOnly
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: HEADER_IN Content-Length: 0
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: HEADER_IN Date: Thu, 12 May 2022 08:59:42 GMT
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: HEADER_IN
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] CURL: Connection #0 to host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx left intact
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Request returned with status "200 ": YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Removing: C:/Apache24/logs/mlogc/audit/apacheservice/20220512/20220512-1059/20220512-105943-YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [3] [11220/2511bc511b8] Entry completed (0.017 seconds, 6299 bytes): YnzMf4l7FZcDLwRzdLMrBwAAAf0
[Thu May 12 10:59:43 2022] [4] [11220/2511bc511b8] Sleeping for 50 msec.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Thu 12 May '22 12:25    Post subject: Reply with quote

What happens when you use mlogc.exe 2.9.3 with 2.9.5 ?
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Joined: 08 Apr 2022
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Location: Germany

PostPosted: Thu 12 May '22 13:23    Post subject: Reply with quote

mod_security 2.9.5 with mlogc.exe 2.9.3: same error
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Joined: 08 Apr 2022
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PostPosted: Thu 12 May '22 16:19    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think i found the problem.

mlogc.exe includes an regex-pattern to parse the log-lines.

The log-lines between 2.9.3 and 2.9.5 are slightly different. The timestamps are different.
mod_security 2.9.3 timestamp: [12/May/2022:10:59:43 +0200]
mod_security 2.9.5 timestamp: [12/May/2022:10:27:55.867925 +0200]

So the regex-pattern do not match anymore.

I posted this potential error on github SpiderLabs/ModSecurity.
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PostPosted: Tue 17 May '22 13:22    Post subject: Reply with quote

The "new" timestamp format was added in mod_security 2.9.4 with issue #2095 but no one changed the regex pattern in mlogc.
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PostPosted: Sat 28 May '22 9:30    Post subject: Reply with quote

The log timestamp fix is committted:


Please test:


Last edited by Steffen on Wed 01 Jun '22 17:13; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon 30 May '22 10:27    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Steffen,

i tested this patch and found cases with negative values within the timestamp.
In this cases the regex-pattern failed.

[30/May/2022:09:27:45.-867925 +0200]

We should add something like "-?" to catch this cases.
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Wed 01 Jun '22 17:12    Post subject: Reply with quote

New fix : negative usec on log line when data type long is 32b, see https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/pull/2753

Test at: Download removed

Last edited by Steffen on Wed 29 Jun '22 11:52; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu 02 Jun '22 9:03    Post subject: Reply with quote

Many thanks Steffen,

I tested this patch in our environment and it works without errors. I have an eye on it in the next days.
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PostPosted: Wed 29 Jun '22 11:50    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod_security 2.9.5 Win64 updated with the fix for mlogc,
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