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Reply to topic   Topic: Problem with ProxyPass

Joined: 03 Mar 2023
Posts: 4
Location: PL

PostPosted: Thu 09 Mar '23 14:11    Post subject: Problem with ProxyPass Reply with quote

I have two location directives with poxypass.
 <LocationMatch "^/(generatedFiles|app|resources|node_modules|desktop|desktop-pl|desktop-en|build|main.js|app.js)/">
      ProxyPass !

<LocationMatch "^/(.+)$">
      ProxyPassMatch https://lab-plat-all-stack-win.web.lab/$1

After entering the first directive, the second directive is also processed
How do I make the second location directive not be processed after entering the first location directive?
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
Posts: 335
Location: UK

PostPosted: Fri 10 Mar '23 19:19    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you check the Apache documentation on how sections are evaluated / merged (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/sections.html#merging), you'll see the behaviour you're observing is to be expected. Basically the sections are merged sequentially, so your attempt to block proxying for certain URL paths does not carry from the first to second <Location> section.

Can I suggest you try reversing the logic, to proxy the entire site and then block the proxy for the content you want to serve locally, e.g.

<Location "/">
   ProxyPass https://lab-plat-all-stack-win.web.lab/

<LocationMatch "(?i)^/(generatedFiles|app|resources|node_modules|desktop|desktop-pl|desktop-en|build|main.js|app.js)">
   ProxyPassMatch "!"
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