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Reply to topic   Topic: Does mod_pagespeed fix HTML errors?

Joined: 22 Jan 2023
Posts: 23
Location: USA, Wilkesboro

PostPosted: Thu 28 Dec '23 20:23    Post subject: Does mod_pagespeed fix HTML errors? Reply with quote

My sites are mostly UGC, and I also cURL some RSS feeds. So every once in awhile I'll get HTML errors; some even mess up the whole page!

The most common is when a user copy and pastes something with a left or right accent inside of an anchor tag, and my system converts it to a single or double quote. That can place the entire text inside of an anchor tag with no close :-O

I hadn't seen these errors in a long time and I thought that I'd fixed it. But I recently removed mod_pagespeed because I had a ton of errors in the log from it, and now those HTML errors are back!

Was mod_pagespeed fixing them, and I didn't know?

If so, is there a more stable module that does the same thing? Or should I reinstall mod_pagespeed and just ignore the errors?
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Fri 29 Dec '23 17:47    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your software should fix that, not an apache module.

An option might be mod_substitute [1]
For other backends you may use mod_proxy_html [2] it has a ProxyHTMLFixups function

[1] https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_substitute.html
[2] https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_html.html
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Joined: 22 Jan 2023
Posts: 23
Location: USA, Wilkesboro

PostPosted: Fri 29 Dec '23 20:58    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your software should fix that, not an apache module.

Oh yeah, and I do my best! LOL It just never fails that a user copies something from a site with some weird code that I didn't expect. And since I hadn't had a problem in a long time until JUST after I removed mod_pagespeed, I wasn't sure whether it was a coincidence.

Thanks for the module suggestions!
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