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Reply to topic   Topic: Disable auth subfolder

Joined: 11 Mar 2024
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Mon 11 Mar '24 9:02    Post subject: Disable auth subfolder Reply with quote

I use https://github.com/TQsoft-GmbH/mod_authn_ntlm. I need disable auth to subfolder (an external application writes to the folder via a post request) A try this, but return 401. Can I help me? Thank you


RequestHeader unset X_ISRW_PROXY_AUTH_USER
<Location /app >
    #AllowOverride None
    AuthName "Private location"
    AuthType SSPI
    NTLMAuth On
   NTLMUsernameCase lower
   NTLMOmitDomain On
    NTLMAuthoritative Off
            Require valid-user
            #require sspi-user EMEA\group_name
            Require user "ANONYMOUS LOGON"
            Require user "NT-AUTORIT\ANONYMOUS-ANMELDUNG"
    # use this to add the authenticated username to you header
    # so any backend system can fetch the current user
    # rewrite_module needs to be loaded then
    # while X_ISRW_PROXY_AUTH_USER is your header name
    RequestHeader set X_ISRW_PROXY_AUTH_USER expr=%{REMOTE_USER}

<Location /app/withouth_auth >
Require all granted
Satisfy any
Allow from All
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
Posts: 335
Location: UK

PostPosted: Mon 11 Mar '24 19:21    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try putting the "/app/without auth" location block before the "/app" one.

Location blocks are processed in the order they appear in the configuration; see https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#location
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