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Reply to topic   Topic: mpm_winnt question

Joined: 03 Apr 2023
Posts: 56
Location: Bridgeton,NJ,USA

PostPosted: Sun 28 Apr '24 16:39    Post subject: mpm_winnt question Reply with quote

so for windows apache we know the only available module is mpm_winnt,i seen some other mpm's that seem different
how does winnt compare to those? and which is it similar to in terms in performance?
would it ever be possible in the future to use the other modules in the future or is there a certain reason why winnt is the only one available?
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
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Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Sun 28 Apr '24 20:43    Post subject: Reply with quote

The most equal mpm to winnt is worker mpm. Yet ia bit different. Winnt starts one parent process like the "root" thread on linux and only one child process that start the child threads.
The performance can be the same.

it is not possible to have worker, event, or prefork on windows OS since they reley on things from the linux world.

prefork uses "only" "fork" for a copy of a process. Forking doesn't exist on windows.
Event mpm is very close to worker mpm except some async stuff. There is a good article how and why[1]. And it also uses stuff that isn't available on Windows OS.

I don't think there will be "soon" another windows mpm. Why
you ask? Because most httpd developers are working on linux or Unix'ish OS.

To be fair there was in trunk the attempt with mpm motorz[2] that relies on APR[3] only and could work on all plattforms, but it hasn't been worked on in over 9 years. And mod simple[4] but I haven't seen anybody talking about it.

[1] https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/event.html
[2] https://github.com/apache/httpd/tree/trunk/server/mpm/motorz
[3] https://apr.apache.org/
[4] https://github.com/apache/httpd/tree/trunk/server/mpm/simple
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