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Reply to topic   Topic: mod_tidy wow what a difference. faster loading pages + trick

Joined: 15 Nov 2005
Posts: 82
Location: Dundee, Michigan

PostPosted: Wed 08 Mar '06 0:37    Post subject: mod_tidy wow what a difference. faster loading pages + trick Reply with quote

My pages load up faster now. Ok u may download mod_tidy from http://tidy.sourceforge.net/ for windows. Binary.

U can also use this as a quick reference:
# Default configuration for mod_tidy
# To run mod_tidy you have to include this file into the Apache2 configuration.

# Add to your httpd.conf
<IfModule !tidy_module>
    LoadModule tidy_module modules/mod_tidy.so

# Add to your httpd.conf or your VirtualHost
<IfModule tidy_module>
    # Run all HTML and XHTML through mod_tidy
    AddOutputFilterByType TIDY text/html application/xhtml+xml

    # Tidy Options
    # (see also Tidy's Quick Reference on http://tidy.sourceforge.net/docs/quickref.html)
    TidyOption accessibility-check 3
    TidyOption add-xml-decl yes
    TidyOption char-encoding utf8
    TidyOption enclose-text yes
    TidyOption indent auto
    TidyOption logical-emphasis yes   
    TidyOption output-xhtml yes
    TidyOption wrap 0
    TidyOption doctype strict

WARNING!!! If u use this on a phpbb board u will GET ERRORS once you restart your server.

Leave all the TidyOption ...... alone. Here is how to fix that. Where it says

Delete it.

Trick Now scoll up in your httpd.conf file to where u added all of your AddType application/x-...... Highlight that and copy it. Now scroll back down to where you added mod_tidy if module. And where you just deleted the
Paste. Poof your set. Restart the server and your pages will load up faster.
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Wed 08 Mar '06 13:08    Post subject: Reply with quote

How did you make the benchmark?
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Joined: 15 Nov 2005
Posts: 82
Location: Dundee, Michigan

PostPosted: Wed 08 Mar '06 19:00    Post subject: Reply with quote

James Blond wrote:
How did you make the benchmark?

Benchmark what? I tested this with my intranet message board a phpBB board
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
Posts: 221

PostPosted: Wed 08 Mar '06 19:37    Post subject: Reply with quote

James brings up a good point. You say it is faster, but is it really?

Hence, the question about benchmarking. A benchmark comparsion would show the difference between running without the MOD and running with the MOD.
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Site Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 682

PostPosted: Wed 08 Mar '06 20:00    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think, I miss some here or I do not understand. Mod_tidy is a TidyLib based DSO module for the Apache to parse, clean-up and pretty-print the webservers' (X)HTML output.

So it should not speed-up things, instead every request consumes more cycles.
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Wed 08 Mar '06 21:55    Post subject: Reply with quote

For real benchmark put this code into the pages

at the very start put

echo 'Start:  '.$start=mktime()."\n";

at the very end

echo 'Finish: '.$finish=mktime()."\n";
echo 'Result: '.$result=$finish-$start." sekunden\n";

Tell me if with mod_tidy it is faster. I don't think so.
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