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Reply to topic   Topic: Problems with HTTP/2 on nginx+Apache for Windows?

Joined: 24 Jan 2013
Posts: 78
Location: RF, Tver

PostPosted: Thu 02 Jul '20 8:47    Post subject: Problems with HTTP/2 on nginx+Apache for Windows? Reply with quote

I am using nginx Unicorn build from http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/ and Apache/2.4.43 build from Apachelounge on Windows Server 2012 R2.

Nginx serves static files and proxies Apache responses for PHP scripts. Everything was fine until recently.

Two times in a day without any distinct reason the websites stop responding. Memory/CPU/Network usages are ok. Apache starts logging like

XX.XX.XX.XX 0ms [01/Jul/2020:05:05:20 -0700] "-" 408 - "-" "-"

for each request. Nginx log shows

2020/07/01 06:04:54 [error] 11800#12192: *5002230 WSARecv() failed (10053: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) while reading response header from upstream, client: YY.YY.YY.YY, server: example.com, request: "GET /the/url/here HTTP/2.0", upstream: "http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8181/the/url/here", host: "example.com"

Server reboot doesn't help. I can connect to the backend directly and it serves the response without any problem.

The only way I could resolve the problem was to switch HTTP/2 off in nginx configuration.

So what can cause this behavior?
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
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Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Mon 07 Dec '20 16:01    Post subject: Reply with quote

AFAIK 10053 is a Socket error from Winsock the TCP/IP component of Windows. I had those issues due a firewall or anti virus or Winsock settings were brocken.

For the last case you may try:
1. run cmd.exe as Admin.
2. run netsh winsock reset in that console.
3. restart nginx and apache.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2013
Posts: 78
Location: RF, Tver

PostPosted: Tue 08 Dec '20 11:14    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the advice!
Actually now everything works fine with HTTP/2 on nginx + Apache 2.4.46, I hope I won't have to deal with it again.
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7334
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Wed 09 Dec '20 14:10    Post subject: Reply with quote

CamaroSS wrote:

everything works fine with HTTP/2 on nginx

So I guess it was an issue in nginx ?
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Joined: 24 Jan 2013
Posts: 78
Location: RF, Tver

PostPosted: Thu 10 Dec '20 13:00    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe, though I can't tell for sure.
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